Monday 18 June 2007

Biol- nothing to do with this blog.

Exams are official over for me, forever. yey!

Kinda wierd..........................ooooooooooohhhh the rain , shit the washing!

ok back washing is in, and rather wet.

Hmm back to exams

IA - 99%
Music - 70%
Englisg Lit - 70%
Geog p1 - 50%
Maths p1 - 40%
Eng p1 - 90%
Biol - 90%
Eng p2 - 80%
Maths p2 - 45%
Geog p2 - 60%
Chem - 70%
Phys - 80%
Drama - 80%

yes so thats um my estimated % but like yeah i doubt i will get like C's

I better get a B for drama.

Must buy leaving presents for teachers....the only thing i can think to buy is alcohol. I mean what do you buy to say thank you?

Watching American Pie: the naked mile - it is very entertaining lol. So yes must go to starbucks tonight to celebrate end of exams, well maybe not cos lyds love her still has some to go so i might wait till they finish so we call all have a party together. That reminds me i must buy lyds her present.

hmm yes cant be arsed to write anymore so um yeah.



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