Thursday 12 July 2007

8 Days

Ok so here is the past week in a nutshell:

Saturday: I got up extra early for work. Went to tesco on the way in Neath and bought a smoothie and a feta cheese and rice salad. Got to work had a really annoying customer grr he was a right one!......anyway, other than him i had a good morning really busy though, went to lunch 30mins later than usual. Went to Victoria Gardens for lunch ate the feta but the shitty rice salad was awful so i chucked most of it in the bin and bought a cheese pasty and a bottle of fanta. When i went back to work there wasn't much to do it was quite quiet. Bought my doctor costume before I left. Went down my Grans after work and had tea. When I got home I watched Apocolypto, it was really good. Then I watched Fonejacker again and Redcoats. It was an OK day.

Sunday: Slept till about 12 o'clock. Had lunch it was very yummy, I had Quorn Mince and Onion Pie, roasties, new potatoes, carrots, peas and broccoli. It was lush. Then me my Mam and Dad took Ernie for a walk up in Carmarthen it was a lovely walk. My dad threw Ernie in the lake there it was good. On the walk back to the car there was this strange noise coming form in the woods it was really loud but we thought nothing of it at the time.

Monday: nothing interesting happened.

Tuesday: Went to town with Sam Bev Tom Jonny and Graham, whilst in Castle we got harrased by a drunk on a yellow bike, he wanted 50p.We had lunch/tea in Gershwin's. It was a really nice cafe the staff were really friendly. Next we went to the pictures to see Oceans 13. We had the whole cinema to our self. After the cinema we went to the bus station to go home and some random comes over and is all like do you want to buy *insert drug name here*. Then offers to take me and Bev out for an Italian meal. Tom sed yeah take them , me and Bev were like wtf. Then the guy on the bike came back and started make Crazy Frog noises. We got on the bus and then the police came.

Wednesday: Went bowling yesterday with Tom Graham Hannah and Sarah. We played unlimited bowling and had 3 games on the last game we sed who ever looses has to buy the winner a drink. I was the last person to bowl and i only had to get like 2 pins down to beat Tom who and put him in last place. When it came to my turn the game stopped and sed GAME OVER so i lost. Graham won i offered him a drink but he said he was fine and he didnt want one. when i got home me and my mam took Ernie for a walk in the woods in Carmarthen again. We got so fart into the woods and we heard that wierd noise from sunday, it was late and getting dark and was uber scary. so we turned around and literally ran out of the woods and got back on the path and all of a sudden a huge black dog appeared i was like OMG. it was all very Blair Witch. Then i dreamt about Harry Potter it was an awesome dream. Apart from one part i was in physics in the biology room lol and i had hell of a row it was horrible.

Yup thats everything so far.


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