Saturday 30 June 2007

Saturday Night

This is what my weekends have resulted in. =[

I work all day, come home and then watch doctor who <3..............then spend the night on this machine. It wouldnt be so bad if there was something to do on here.

Ah well I'm not going to waste this blog moaning and complaining.

I got Paid today =]] shopping on thursday with the girls. I plan on new jeans and a tshirt i think will make me happy for a while. I want new black jeans have'nt had a black pair for ages. Maybe a white or pink disturbia top or maybe heartcore I am yet to decide.

Trouble is i hate all the womens they all wierd prints. The mens prints are alrite. I like this pink one but iff i get Extra small my tits wont fit in and if i get small its to big on the stomache so i dunno! grr. Im moaning again oh well w/e.

It's poring down with rain. In work today almost every customer said *oh its a 'orrible day* or something to that effect. I cant hear myself type in the conservetory atm its belting down. It a bit nippy as well.

OOOhhh so Doctor Who lovers what did you think of this week's episode? Jack Harkness The Face of Bo? How cool is that?! Gutted that Martha has gone but i mean if i could cope with Rose leaving i think i can cope with Martha Jones going. I wonder who he will have next.

Totally off topic but i'm, going to mention it anyway. I think i might ask for new glasses for my birthday. I'm bored with the Quicksilver ones now, i want the Red or Dead ones i was going to have originally. Kath Jenkins is playing in Margam next weekend, I wanted to go but didnt get round to getting tickets, plus no1 would want to come. Oh well. Donny Osmond is in Merthyr 2night is he not? and there is The Princes Concert 2moz, i will be watching that....Wondering when the Royal Variety Show is on? *thinks* dunno cba to google it.

It's funny how when i was doing my Exams and in school i managed to blog everyday, sometimes even 2,3 times a day, now ive finished school and i have all the time in the world, i can just about manage 1 a week. stupid innit.

Gosh the weather is bad....Rain Rain Go Away, come Back Another Day (or not at all)

Blink is keeping me company ernie is asleep mother and father out and rachel is dead on the sofa.*wonders whether to buy pinstripe or just plain black trousers*

Ive decided i would like a new rugby jersey for college. A welsh one i think. yes.

You know when you get growing pain in your bones well i think i have that in my calf cos it wrecks!

10.30....I might go to bed and read, or watch a film i quite fancy starwars or lord of the rings. NO! Armagedon, yep i'm off to cry whilst watching that, that and pearl harbour, always makes me cry. soppy git.


Good Night.


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