Tuesday 26 June 2007

soggy fields, school uniform,tesco value tents and strongbow

Hmm ok. So Begged and begged and begged my mam to take me to tesco ahe finally gave in but made sure that rachel watched the potatoes whilst we were out. We got to Halfway traffic lights andwe could hear a fire engine but it was no where to be seen so we carried on driving. we got to Trostre roundabout and we hand to pull over onto the grass to let this Fire Truck through, then as my mother pulls back onto the road a stupid bloody Plumbing van whizzes past. I thought the knob!

We got to tesco and found the Fire truck was there with an ambulance. I was praying Tesco wasnt on fire. I promised the guys id get the booze i mean how lame would it sound if i turned up with no strongbow and sed it was cause tesco was on fire lol.

But as it turns out Tesco wasnt on fire, an old lady had slipped. Then whilst walking to buy a tent in tesco we met Tanya who gave the good news that her Guinea Pig had given birth the previous night. We then finally left Tesco with Breadsticks, Wine, Strongbow, 2x Head and Shoulders 25 plastic cups and a tent.

Whilst on the journey home i recieved a text from Lydia explainng that she couldnt come camping. I was disheartend and just wanted to forget about the whole camping idea.

I got home to recieve yet another text asking to leave early to meet at school. So i jumped in the car with all my bags and off i went to school. When i got there i was warmly greeted by Rachel and Jamie. We waited for the arrival of Sam and Bev and quite randomly Mr Joe. So we were all ready BUT there was one flaw there was no sign of Tom. We phoned his house and his sister sed he was in the park playing rugby. We tried ringing Lew and Tom but no answer on either phone.

At this point myself and rachel just wanted to leave and go so we got on the 404 regardless of Tom. Whilst on the bus Bev was busy trying to sort out Toms arrangements to get to Llangennech. We arrived at Llan at 5.15 and made our way to the field. We were greeted by two large dogs and their owners.

Once in our spot under the trees, Bev Sam and Joe went to meet Tom on the road. Myself Rachel and Jamie proceeded to put up tents. we formed a lovely little camp site :

That was our neat and tidy campsite all organised and safe and CLEAN.

I woke up to hear cans and bottle being thrown everywhere Jamie and Joe shounting abuse, and Sam well being Sam.

This was the state of the campsite at 7.30ish when we woke up:

yes notice how mine and joe's tent is clean rachel and jamie's tent is clean but Sam Bev and Tome have managed to explode a cake make pringles spontaneously combust. the mess was just disgusting absolutly horrible.

yes hmm my school uniform came in handy it kept me warm all night. Brilliant inventions.

Ok my sister just came in through the door. I hate her so much!

Im off.



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