Wednesday 1 August 2007


I havent Blogged in AGES. I did try last night but blogger was being an arse. But yeah I'm blogging now. So what have I been doing since my last blog. *pc is dying btw*

Well Teen was Awesome. I was the only one that dressed up =(

Yeah 3 guesses which one is me =P

Yeah so teen was good. Work was good.

Oooh I bought a Wii. but only had enough to buy Wii & Wii Sports. But this weekend i plan to buy Zelda or Mario Striker......Not sure which one yet.

Camping : Well i got a text on saturday in work from Rachel asking me if i wanted to go camping. And of course i did so yeah on Sunday my mam dropped me off in town at 2pm *an hour early cos she wasn pissed off with me* then Matt came at 3pm and we sat outside Deb. for a bit. We met with Bulb Rhi Joe and Joel outside Wilkos and went to tesco to buy supplies. Then we met Rachel Jamie Sam and Bev. Bah yes then we all got on the bus and prayed it would take us to oxwich. Yeah umm Ooh yeah Uplands i deffo where I'm going to live there. It has a well cool Bike Shop and Subway and Lush houses.

Yes then got to oxwich and realised the bus didnt take us where we needed to go. So we walked down this road for bout 20mins then got to a gate. We themn walked about 20mins across sand dunes. But we did eventually find a spot to camp. There were Blackberries everywhere and stained everything. We went swimming in the sea *woo* before we set up camp. I never swim in the sea but i did this time. I realised i need the toilet so i set off to find a suitable place to get naked lol. i ended up in a dune that was wide open to view but was to drunk to care.

yes then i got back and put my damp clothes *damp cos i swam in them* back on and decieded to set up camp. We all watched the Sun set that was quite nice. then we all got in a cirle and sang camp songs lol *jokes*

Yeah so i used paint again to draw our awesome samp site the small blue things are our clothes drying and the light blue rectangle is the mat no one used to sleep on for sum reason?

Ok so yes was kepy up all night by frampton making machine gun noises through his nose. I slept for about an hour and then got woken up by someone *thinks who it was*. Then Matt chucked me out of his tent and i got dressed. We packed up and went down on the beach. At wich point Me Rhi and Rachel walked down to the Oxwich Bay Hotel and Me and Rhi asked them where the bus stop was. We all walked to the bus stop and had to wait 30mins for the bus. But there was a General Stores across the road so we went there and i bout a jam and cream scone for breakfast. twas yummy.

Yeah got on the bus and got dead confused bout what ticket to get so in the end the nice bus driver just gave me a childs ticket to swansea then we changed busses in killay.


yes so changed in killay and like yeah caught the bus back to swansea and then the 404 home. Yups then had an Eye test in Specsavers and ordered new glasses they are awesome.

and thats abouty it really. Cept for my dream last night it was odd but it really real. I went to JJB and left my trousers in a phone box there. and then i had like a horrible one bout prom but yeah.

Hmm yes i'm going now. talk to you soon.

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