Monday 13 August 2007

Rain crash band wallop my house key is sticking in my bum.

So my band of merry men!

Band practice today. Hmmm. LOUD EARPLUGS CAKE COKE SOCKETS AND LEADS. we'll leave it at that.

Yes the rain is back. WHY? WHERE is it all coming from?

It's just our luck that the year we take our "life changing examinations" the summer is crap! Alas the spring was wonderfull. I sat after my geography exam on the field lapping up the glorious sunshine. as soon as i put my pen down in the drama exam *my last one* the heavons open and THE BIG GUY above really pisses on my summer.

Grr. So what have i done this summer no rephrase what have i done this monsoon?

Well Ive watched season 1 to 3 of Grey's Anatomy,eaten, watched Lord of the Rings, Armageddon, eaten, watched Pearl Harbour, Season 6 of CSI,eaten, watched Hannibal Rising, Carry on EVERY BLOODY THING, Scrubs, Friends.eaten, Read Harry Potter 1-7. Camped Twice, eaten, walked the dog millions of times. Booked a Driving lesson, managed to drive in 1st and 2nd gear, gone up a bra size, got a job, eaten, and sat in front of this PC screen for countless number of hours.

Yes Went to Jamies for a Mexican night. Was very nice! but there was so much food! went for a walk to the big river thingy.

Ok well going now to attack Zelda.



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