Monday 17 September 2007


Its that time of year again where the heating needs to go back on, my room smells like warm gloss from the radiator, it reminds me of my grans old house. I loved that place it was awesome i miss it lots.....yeah the night are drawing in and its raining again. I'm freezing. I'm in bed fully clothed with the covers over me.

I made playdough today in R and D, how kool are my classes. ZOMG i thought i was going to die in combined science it was awful. We are doing stuff we did last year and its so boring, we are studying the digestive system. And then in Pos. Environment this morning we did like a role play thing was awesome.

its raining :(

2moz i have a huge gap i havent got a class till 12 :0 i'm going to die of boredum and i cant even sit on the grass and read cos its going to be wet after tonights downpour.

My placement is awesome, i havent enjoyed kids as much as this past few weeks it awesome. In my placement i got to paint with the kids in the class, they had to draw a picture of what they thought was in this box from that story *In a dark dark house was a drak dark room and in the dark dark room was a dark dark door and behind the dark dark door was a dark dark box and in the dark dark box was....* well yeah was really cool and i got covered in paint and did skipping at breaktimes :P

yeah bah oh the other day in promoting child development we had to draw pictures of ourselves and write what we like around us it was really fun and i think every1 got to know each other likewise in supporting literacy we did circle time and every1 got to know each other and what we liked and didnt like.

Got a few new things this week wooo, i bought a superted hoodie online and two books for my course, and then my mam came home from portugal today and she had bought me a bew top which is well kool and Kylie's new perfume.

*itchy thigh*

Oh yeah msn not botherung with it much so if i'm not online thats why its doing my head in its all bitchy and signing me out all the time. But you can still email on my hotmail addie.

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