Saturday 24 November 2007

Confusion, Tears and Fears

Father forgive me for I have sinned its been 6 weeks since my last confession.

So this is my life at the moment.

Job: Waitress by night, student by day.
Mood: I dunno bit mangled if I'm honest.
Status: Single lol no suprise there.
Money: Umm its the only bit of my life atm that is great.

But yeah i need something new something different, I feel a bit bored and restless I need a new outlet be a hobby or a job or maybe a new college course I'm not sure but I know something has to change. Well the only thing I'm sure about is that I really feel at home with kids. I love being around them and helping them and its just good like mush shhh.

I'm yet to start Xmas shopping. Argh the interent is my bestest friend in the world I praise the lord for it. You know I havent been to college in a month! fuck a duck like.

I dont know I really just dont know.

This will do for know i feel no better now ive blogged but ive wasted 5 minutes of my boring saturday so meh.


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