Friday 17 August 2007


They are the end to my life I swear there isnt a more evil being in the whole universe!

There are 2 inparticular that keep fucking me over!

I mean you never think that the quiet shy ones could be such twats well yes she is a whore but not the have sex for money kind OH no she's the rip you apart slowly and act innocent kinda whore!

And well as for the blood sucking bitch that likes to think we are friends! I hope she dies of syphilis. Its kinda entertaining at times to think of all the STI's I hope she has caught.

BUT not all is lost there a still a few girls that remain close to me. And its because of these girls i am not going to curl up in a ball and die worrying about my fucking GCSE results.

Any1 else having the nightmares of a sheet full of U's?

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